Well, the long journey from Colorado to New York City is complete. With it came some back issues and a sprained ankle but I’m working my way around that. I can say that each and every day has been an adventure, from watching a few strangers trying to save a man’s life via CPR on the sidewalk to meeting new friends in subway stops and coffee shops. I love New York in that way, i’s openness to adventure, to magic. For all of its cynicism and money-driven culture, it has to be one of the friendliest, giving places I’ve ever lived.
I came here for the year to write the sequel to Elementarí Rising, see how many books I can get under contract, and go back out on the job market for a teaching position. By selling my house, I essentially bough myself a sabbatical to write more, since it’s so hard to do that with a 4/4 teaching load. I also wanted to live here to find more community with cultural creatives—writers, artists, film makers, scientists, theologians, musicians–and to that end, am going to hold a series of salons where I am residing in the East Village. My hope is to cross pollinate different disciplines outside of the university, while I have the unique opportunity to do so!
[image src=”/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/postcardfront.jpg” lightbox=”true” autoresize=”false” clickthrough=”true”] But also, writing news: I’ve recently had five poems accepted for publication in Electric Velocipede, Interfictions, and Subliminal Interiors. My short story, “Unleashed Beauty” will be reprinted in Gargoyle next month, and Elementarí Rising has a September 17th launch date! I will be attending WorldCon next week in San Antonio (my first Worlcon, with my first solo reading!) so am very excited/slightly terrified about that. I won’t come empty handed—I ordered these beautiful postcards last week and they came in today.
Starting next week, I’ll be posting excerpts from Elementarí Rising with artwork from the amazing artists Galen Dara and I’ll also be posting my WorldCon panel schedule, so you’ll want to check back.